“My Voice Instead of Violence”

My name is Timmy L. Walker Jr. Currently I am serving a 50 to life sentence for felony murder with thirty years left. So what have I done for the last twenty years? In no particular order, I reflected on the effects of trauma, sobriety, healing, education, spirituality, forgiveness, love, life, goals, and most importantly, accountability. For the last sixteen years I have remained steadfast as a mentor, peer counselor, actor (RTA), a mental health assistant, college student, and an advocate for change. Despite my ongoing commitment for actual freedom, who I am today would not be possible without being honest. So when the idea "If I knew then what I know now" was posed to me, it reminded of a line from Shakespeare's Macbeth, "To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus...". Looking back, I realize my life required healing, and I needed to stop being unsafe, I needed to be mature. In my youthful immaturity, I would turn to violence to deal with my problems. Today, my mantra is "My voice instead of violence".

Written by Timmy Walker Jr.


“Rehabilitation Review Board”


“The Redefining of John Rizzo”